Tuesday, December 13, 2016

One of THOSE days.....

Did you ever have one of THOSE days?  You know the type of day I am talking about.  You wake up at 3 a.m. and for some reason sleep is determined to elude you.

You stumble into your day in a bit of a fog trying to suck down enough caffeine to make your brain believe you are fully energized and awake.

You make sure you spend time in God's Word, before running out the door to conquer the world.  Well, at least your corner of the work world! <grin>

Then it comes.... first as a slow trickle, then gaining momentum, until by time 6 that night rolls around you are well and truly ensconced in an utter landslide that you have no clue how to get out from under.

You have had a day filled with harsh words, hurtful actions, slammed phones, mis-understood good intentions, people walking away from you, and you just spin from one painful moment to another trying desperately to grasp onto some straw of safety and solace yet not quite able to reach it.

You feel me?

This has well and truly been my day.  I pull in my drive and sit at the gated entrance (farm gate silly people.... no rich girl here) and my shoulders are slumped with hurt and feeling as if I am carrying the weight of the world.  Get out in the misting rain, open gate, pull car through, close gate, continue on up the drive.

Walk into the house, by pass pets and people, and just head to my little office.  My sanctuary.  My safe place.  What is special about this room?  Nothing.  Not one thing.  Wait, you know what?  That isn't true.

There is a desk here, a small sofa, a memento or two but that isn't what I am feeling.  Peace..... there is utter peace in this tiny room.
It takes me a minute to figure out why.... and then as I hit my knees I realize.

God inhabits the praise and the prayers of His people.  My special little room is where I run to Him, pour my heart out to Him, lay my hurts at His feet, and sing (in quite the off key voice) His praises.  So here, I can shut out the noise of the world and I can rest in the presence of my Savior and know that He sees my heart, has himself lived a life of hurt, and can see my innermost thoughts like no other can.

It is with all my heart that I hope and pray you have such a place where you can go and find rest, become strengthened, and rise again knowing that the grace of God will always meet us in our moments of need.

Much love my friends....  Tomorrow promises to arrive and have it's own little agenda but we all can choose to step away and find that moment of peace to stop the madness and walk in His forgiveness and love.

Onwards and upwards with our boots on.....   Let's do THIS!

Monday, November 7, 2016


esist scape earch lead vertake ame elight

Delight in the Lord!!!!

Ps 27:6  And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, and I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.

Now is the time!  Let's celebrate together what just happened.  The enemy approached.  He brought his worst (as he always does). In Christ, YOU STOOD FIRM.

You defeated him without stumbling, even on ground where you have fallen so often before!  You responded with the Word of God.  You made it.  God did it!!  Woot woot!!

Remember, "a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again" Prov 24:16.

Let's remember each and every time to R E S P O N D.  

My friends, we are all on this walk called life together.  If we will learn to "respond" then the enemy will tempt us less and less because I can promise you that the very last thing he wants to happen is for us to call on Jesus, quote scripture, repent, pray and praise.

Join hands, for there is encouragement to be found here.  God is for us and not against us.

So there you have it... the basic tools for our continued growth in our relationship with Christ Jesus and living out His calling in our lives.

Much love to each of you

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Call that name!

Here we are.... close to the end....

Resist Escape Search Plead Overtake Name

Ephesians 6:17-19 is where Paul is giving us instruction on the Sword of the Spirit then lets us know that we should get busy praying for others!

First off, I, along with others, have been known to say, "It's the least I can do" when it comes to praying for those around us.  WRONG!!!   It is the most we can do.  To bow before the Throne on behalf of another, remind God of His promises, and come together in the name of Jesus is never the least we can do but instead, is always the very best we can do!  So starting now, I am removing that statement from my vocabulary.

Secondly, prayer isn't just helping those you are lifting in prayer but is also helpful for us as well.  Instead of continuing to wrestle with a temptation, a lie, or on not sinning, we can refocus and intercede for others.

Prayer allows us to climb off the worry go round and experience the true peace of God that in turn will guard our hearts and our minds.  (Phil 4:6-7)

So let's join hearts today and lift up each other and those around us in holy prayer!

March on, my friends, march on.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Overtake.... that which has been given

Resist Escape Search Plead Overtake

In this life we are wrestling so much more than we perceive with our eyes.  God warns us that we are wrestling against principalities and powers.  (Col 2:15)  But do not fear, for it is through the cross that Jesus fully disarmed the power of the enemy.  (Col 2:8-15)

The enemy no longer has the bullets but likes to brandish his gun in the hopes of bluffing us into accepting a defeat that isn't ours.

When we choose to sin or believe his lie, then you are yielding control and giving him ground.  Wait....don't stop reading there.  For we have hope!  As we repent and believe the truth, he loses that control.

When we bow in prayer and ask God to be Lord over our lives and to occupy the former areas with His Spirit and Word, then we are bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2Chron 10:5)

When we renew our hearts with His then we are able to love Him with all our hearts, all our mind, all our soul, and all our strength.

So keep advancing.....Jesus has won the victory all we have to do is choose to stand in it!

Be strong my friends.... though the path may be narrow, it is filled with great peace and joy.

your companion in this walk

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Appeal by Faith

Resist Escape Search Plead

Our fourth journey is plead.  Plead (appeal by faith) the blood of Jesus when we go to Him, admit our sin, and ask for His forgiveness.

We are human and sometimes we allow emotion to tell us a lie that just cannot be true no matter how we let it rule our hearts.  God is ALWAYS faithful to forgive us when we ask and to wash us clean.

We must learn to rest in that!  Forgiven believers who don't believe they are forgiven, will not act like believers.  Does that make sense?  What I am saying is this.... if we allow our feelings of failure or apology rule our hearts instead of allowing God's forgiveness to come in and cleanse us, then it is oh so easy to say, "well I messed up already anyways" and continue along a path you really don't want to be on.

God has said you are forgiven, so do not all Him a liar in your heart by believing you are not.  Just as the Lord instructed Peter, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean" (Acts 10:15).

Yes we fall and we fail....  I, myself, am rather exceptional at it.  But in spite of it all, God loves me, sees my repentant heart, and washes me clean.  IF I accept that forgiveness, then He can continue to work in me, grow me, and strengthen me to continue on the path that He has chosen for me.

So remember my friends the very old hymn, there is power in the blood, and pick your head up, smile, and rest in the forgiveness that is yours.

love and hugs to you all.....

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Looking at Self

Here we go with the third part.....

Resist Escape Search

We must always search out unconfessed sin.  Yuccckkk.... can't say I even like how that starts out.

Let's be honest.  None of us "likes" to admit any wrong on our part.  It isn't pleasant, it doesn't feel good, and we just plain ol' don't like to do it.

I stopped to allow God to be brutally honest with me (not high on my list of favorite activities) and I discovered much about myself.  I like to think myself better than I am.  Well who doesn't?  I much prefer to paint a pretty picture of what I want to believe I am like and what I do than to sit with a humble heart and allow God to hold a mirror to show my true heart.

You know the true heart I am talking about.  That place in your heart that you guard and protect.  That place that no one, not even your closest friend, husband, family knows of.  That place that God and God alone see's.

You know what He is revealing to me?   This True Heart is the very seat of my relationship with Him, the core of my faith, the truest measure of my obedience to Him, and the clearest reflection of who I believe I am in Christ.

THIS IS A SCARY PLACE!  Not a fearful place but intimidating to allow falsehoods to fall from your eyes, peer deep into your heart through the eyes of One who see's it all and loves you completely not in spite of but rather because of what He alone sees.

Did you see how my mind and nature took me immediately to all the wrong that He would find there?  But God see's ALL of me.... ALL of you..... ALL of each of us.  The ONLY thing that can separate us is those sins that we allow to go free and not repent of.

So here I sit, taking them out, one by one, ashamed to my core but finding the richest mercy and grace that words cannot explain.  As much as my heart longs to share this utter peace, mercy that courses through, I just can't.  It can only be experienced.  It can only come when we allow ourselves to admit the wrong, turn from it, and give it all to God.

So don't be like me and shrink from God's searching but rather invite Him to come in and search your heart today.  Don't waste a minute!  Run to Him, and there find healing and rest for your weary heart.

Much love my friends.... so much love for each of you....

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Punch in the Face

Let's continue our defense by proceeding on to the next step.....

Resist Escape

Today we learn about escape.  This is a bit of a new one to me.  You see, in my mind, escape means that the responsibility for the temptation / trial has been taken off of me.  Hmmmmm.... not quite the case.  In thinking back, that was kind of silly of me....

We escape by means of God's Word.  Scripture.  1 Corinthians 10:13 shows God's promise to provide a way of escape.  And He did!

Just look at the life of Christ.  Every time He was tempted, He would raise his shield of faith and cut down Satan with the sword of the Spirit by quoting the word of God.  Ephesians 6:17

Wow...not sure why I keep forgetting that I have fully loaded, never ending magazine (the Bible) with which to shoot the enemy down.

What if the thoughts that are being brought to you are telling you that you are unloved?  You will fail?  We simply pick up the gun, aim, point, and fire!
   "God proved His love for me when Christ died for me"  Romans 5:8
   "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13

There we have it... block, counter, kick, and a PUNCH TO THE FACE!  So take that!!

If you would like a list of Spiritual Ammo..... just give me a shout and I would be happy to share that with each of you....

Now go out there, resist/escape, and live a life filled with the peace of God!!

Bye for now my friends......

Monday, October 3, 2016

Not going to take it

Let's begin our biblically based battle plan to help us strategically respond to a personal attack of the enemy.....

R - Resist

James 4:7 Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

This is one of the best strategies to use any time you are tempted to fear, live in condemnation, discouragement,  even when lies are trying to take your heart captive.

Sometimes we just have to remember that we do not have to sit back and take the darts that are being thrown at us!  Those taunts, barbs, mind games....we do not have to accept them into our minds and hearts.

Jesus didn't accept the taunts.... He pushed back and so can we!  In Matthew 4:10 He told him to go away and in Mark 8:33 He told him to get behind him.  When we are faced with temptations we can do the same thing by standing in the authority of Christ's name.

The name of Jesus is above every name.  Let's not forget that it is His name that is holy and saves us. God's identity, character and reputation stand behind Jesus' name.  So when we are confronted it is as simple as saying "go away Satan in Jesus' name," or "Father, in Jesus' name, I ask you to rebuke Satan."

Remember, this is the name of authority and Satan must bow to it and flee!!

So when you are tempted and pushed today, do a little pushing back!  We aren't to stand there and take it!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Praying Defensively - RESPOND

Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.  Ephesians 6:10-11

We, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, are equipped with everything needed for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) but many of us are not ready when the enemy attacks.  
Why is that?  Way too many times we live defeated in one or more areas of our lives.

We have been given all we need to come against the enemy and be victorious!  Do not be fooled into thinking your battle is always with a person or an entity.  
   Ephesians 6:12  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Knowing that spiritual warfare is taking place all around us daily, we must "take up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit"  Ephesians 6:16-18

So let's take a stroll and see how we can bring this about in our lives by using a simple acronym; RESPOND.

Resist Escape Search Plead Overtake Name Delight.....

The next few days we will travel the road of developing a battle plan for prayer based upon biblically sound truths so that we can strategically respond to a personal attack of the enemy.

Until tomorrow friends......

Monday, September 19, 2016

Truth....or is it Deception?

How do you know what is truth and what is deception?  Does it take the very wise?  The very learned?  Only those with great knowledge?  It does not.

Whenever Satan speaks it is based upon his character which is that of the "father of lies."  He cleverly holds forth great pleasures and withholds the consequences. The ultimate in false advertising.

Lies are a perversion of God's truth.  Promises never delivered.

We think we are oh so strong and can resist where others fail.  We won't fall into the same trap as others.  But we do.  We tiptoe into the lie thinking we will just wade a bit.  Next thing you know, we are fully drowning as the lie has become a weight we can't free ourselves from.

Freedom is more easily found than the enemy would have us believe.  1 Peter 4:7  "Serious and disciplined in prayer".  We are not strong enough to stand against his deceptions unless we're on our knees, staying instructed in what is actually true.

The lies are not so outrageous as to be scoffed at or pushed aside so easily.  Rather, the lies are fed by the insecurities that the world dishes out daily.  He lies about God's goodness, the Bible's trustworthiness, who you really are, and what is morally right and wrong.  He uses lies to puff you up in pride or condemn you to the depths of depression.  (italics mine)

You see, God did not promise us a leisurely stroll through golden sunshine streaming down upon a field of sunflowers.
God did promise that in this world you will have troubles.  (John 16:33) God knows that darkness hates the light and when His light lives in you, you will be hated for His sake.

But take heart!!  We are also promised that we will not be tempted beyond what we can endure and that God is faithful to provide a way of escape so that we may bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

How easily I forget that!!!  I feel all alone, so beset upon, that no one could possibly know the depth of my hurt and anguish.  So silly of me.  Each of us is carrying a burden.  Each of us knows pain like a close friend.

So I have found myself vacillating between puffed up pride and the depths of depression.  A place that not only does God not desire for me but also never intended for me.  It is like an insidious little worm that makes its way into your heart to take your heart, your thoughts, and your commitment off of God and place it on self.

So forgive me Father for all the times I look at me, me, me and not keep my focus on You, the great author of Truth!

Let's join hands and get back on the path that God has called each of us to, let's lift each other when we stumble, keep our focus on the One True God, and praise Him as we walk along until we reach our home.

Much love for each of you my friends.....

Friday, September 16, 2016

Distractions or Destruction???

Just Breathe....       Johnny Diaz

"Alarm clock screaming bare feet hit the floor
It’s off to the races everybody out the door
I’m feeling like I’m falling behind, it’s a crazy life
Ninety miles an hour going fast as I can
Trying to push a little harder trying to get the upper hand
So much to do in so little time, it’s a crazy life
It’s ready, set, go it’s another wild day..."

Sad to say, this is typical of my day, your day, the day that most of us live.  Day in, day out, Monday through Sunday this has become our lives.
Not only has this become our lives but this lifestyle has been exalted.  To be "busy" has become equal to a status of success, power, prominence, and more. In other words, it is lauded as something to be achieved.
But is it really?  Is it really all that?  I say no!!  I am too busy for a chat with a friend.  Too busy to acknowledge a child.  Too busy to share a laugh.  Too busy to comfort another.  Business is not a sign of achievement but rather a fore-shadowing of destruction to come.
You see, there is nothing the enemy loves more than to have us so busy (even on good and worthwhile things) that we have nothing left to give anyone most especially our God, our church, our families.
Perhaps it is time to put on the brakes, remember that God designed all of humanity for relationship.  Relationship with Him and relationship with others.
So I will ask you the same question that was asked of me this week.....
   To whom or what are you giving the best of your energy and strength?  
The simple truth is that if I have no energy left to serve God, then I am not walking in the covenant relationship that I have been called to.  My first love.  My greatest love.
So as you enter the work place, start the day with your young children, minister to your family, or prepare to lead your church..... Take time to JUST BREATHE.  Remember that God loves you and chose you and that our best energy and strength belong to Him first.
Johnny Diaz...
When the stress is on the rise in my heart I feel You say just
Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at My feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe

So if you haven't listened to this wonderful song, grab YouTube and take a moment to be reminded of how God longs to breathe into our souls the words of life which prepare us for each step of every day.
Keep walking my friends and never forget that Faith wears Boots and walks the road that God has laid out.
much love...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Poor Choices and Grace

I must enjoy the consequences that come from being hard headed and impatient.  :D  Said no one ever and least of all me!  But I have decided there must be truth in this as I am prone to stumbling more often than I care to in these two particular areas most of all.

In the not so distant past, I made a choice.  It turned out to be a poor choice.  (Don't you just hate those!)  The ensuing results were long and many and quite painful.

But you know what?  God is so very faithful that he doesn't leave me in such a place without doing two things.  Teaching me another lesson of what is missing in my growth in Him and as a person as well as giving me a great measure of grace to persevere to the end of that road.

The most recent lesson.  Well that lesson would be about how often I extend grace and mercy to those who have hurt or offended me.  I am just as guilty as the next person and I just love to put on those rose colored glasses when examining myself or my life but I have found that in the quiet moments of the morning, God does His best work when I lay the ugly out, acknowledge it, experience true heartbreak over the wrongness of it, and then turn and walk away never to return.

Those are the moments when God comes in with His grace, covers me with His blood, and as He holds me, shows me how I have not extended His mercy and grace to others.  The lesson isn't always pleasant but it ALWAYS is for my benefit and shows me once more how very much He cares for me. God doesn't always take away the consequences of our actions, but He does give us strength to endure, grace to share with others, and a way of escape with the time is come.

We are all going to do wrong yet still we are called to love others as God has loved us.  This must be forefront of my heart and mind when walking the road of life with those around me.  None of us are perfect, all of us are longing to be loved, and we all are in need of mercy and grace.

Happy travels my friend and try to take a lesson from me and steer clear of hard headed impatience!


Your sister sojourner......

Thursday, September 1, 2016

When You Can't See Jesus.....

Ever have someone make a statement in your presence and it haunts you for days after?  That would be a great synopsis of my week thus far.

I was in a study group listening to the leader and a statement was shared that a well known leader had said.  The words were so profound, I just sat in stunned silence. Yes, I realize the magnitude of that alone!

When you are speaking with others and a remark similar to this is made, "how do you believe in someone you can't see?" we should be able to respond "when you have seen me, you have seen Jesus."

Well I don't know about you, but those are the last words that would come out of my mouth!  You might wonder why.  It isn't because of a lack of belief, or love of my Savior, or lack of a desire to share His glories with others.  It is simply because I am fully aware that all to often it is not Jesus that comes flowing out of my mouth.

As I sat there and contemplated what it would take to be able to stand in front of another and make such a bold statement my mind immediately raced to good works, kind words, etc etc.  But do you know what God revealed to me?  It isn't those things.  It is daily humbling myself before the throne, being obedient to lay aside my will, and then to put on His robe of righteousness that is the gift He gives to all believers.

In other words, it is stopping up my ears so that I don't listen to the lies of all that I am not and instead, opening my heart and allowing all that God says I am to live and bloom in me.  The statement "if you have seen me you have seen Christ" is not a boast of any good that is in me but is instead the sharing of the profound abundance of mercy and grace that is ours through our relationship with Christ Jesus.

So as we start this day, let us all be reminded of just who we are in Christ, how He sees us, and then lets extend that grace and mercy to all those around us!

Have a great morning and be blessed my friends!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Is it Really Real?

Perception is not reality unless we choose to live as if it is......

So often we move along living in what we believe to be reality only to later discover that just perhaps it wasn't so much reality as it was our perception at the time.

You know, those pesky emotions can be so very deceiving if we are not careful.  We become tangled in a web of emotion surrounding a circumstance which is oh so large in our mind and we begin living out actions based on what we feel the reality of the situation is.

Is it really reality?  Or is it a skewed version based upon a small portion of the truth that we see?  Is it possible that we are responding more from our past experiences, hurts, perceptions?  Is it just possible that perhaps we are too close to see clearly?

I am finding, more often than not, that perception is a tricky little thing that can easily skew what is truth and have us quickly step off the path of righteousness and obedience.

So to see clearly, we must do one thing.  Open God's word and do a simple check.  Does this align with the Word of God.  If not, guess what??  You got it!

I know, I know..... I am not any more enamored with learning this lesson than you.  However, we are reminded often that true love displays true obedience.  Not just partial obedience.  Not just doing those things that are enjoyable.  But full, raw living, obedience.  You know that "love thy neighbor" stuff the Bible is so big about.  (heee heee)

So what does living in true reality look like?  It means taking a moment to put a gate on our mouths and live out the following: Lev 19:17-18 Love for God and neighbor are inseparable.  In other words, we are to love God and love people similarly to how we love God.

This means that rather than point out wrong, we love them in a manner that they can hear the truth.  We slow down the light speed at which we jump to judgement instead we choose to open ways for restoration and reconciliation.

Whew....  That might be enough for one day, one week, one month!!

So this is me, continuing my dedication to living raw and honest in front of all.  Working to show less of me and more of God in every minute of every day.  Thankful for His hand which is quick to lift me when I fall, correct me when I am wrong, and to always search out the best of me.

Have a blessed day folks...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Secret You

Proverbs 23:7
As he thinks in his heart, so is he.

Ever wonder why we should take that time to pray in secret?  That "alone" time?

If we look back at the life of Christ, we can see that time and again He retreated to a place alone to pray.  Naturally, we should do the same.


Let's face it, we all enjoy being loved and respected.  To know that those we surround ourselves with, think well of us.  But being valued by others should always be second to humility and sincerity in our service to God.  We should always remember that God is our audience of One.

While we are striving to be dead to self and pleasing God, sometimes we can get caught in wanting that acknowledgement that we are doing well, making right choices, living what we say.  But we should take a step back and realize that prayer is never meant to spotlight the person praying but to place the focus on God alone.

When we retreat to our secret place and we bow before the King, it helps us stay humble, be real, and to seek no other reward for our time with Him other than knowing, loving, and glorifying Him more.
Powerful statement I read in today's study stated, "Your true heart is best revealed in secret.  In other words, the secret you is the real you."  HARSH!  There are so many times that I would like to believe myself to be better than I am.  A better Christ follower.  A better wife.  A better mother.  A better employee.  A better leader.  But the secret me, the me that only God knows fully, knows that all too often I seek my will above His.

As I sit here, determined to not let this day stray away from a focus on service to God above all and others above self, I know that I will fall short.  That saddens me!!  But I also know, with full assurance and no doubt, that Father God will meet me as I fall, lift me up, and He will strengthen me to continue on.  After all, "faith of a mustard seed."

So as I leave to begin my day - I leave you with this:

The secret to your success will come from your secret place.  And the secret to your failure will come from your failure in the secret place.

Pull up those boots and keep walking friends... together we have accountability, together we have strength, and in our secret places, we will find victory!!


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Chains that bind are broken!!

Monday comes around with it's calling card of out of state travel for the holiday so that we can be with family and the stress begins.

Along comes Tuesday and there is work requirements, new structures in place, and new levels of pressure have been added to Monday's baggage.

Wednesday arrives filled with appointments, phone calls, meetings, and out of state travel that afternoon to handle a contract issue.  Now there are 3 bags of stress and pressure.  My general attitude is rather short, there isn't much of a smile to be found, and all I am doing is making it to the end of the day to collapse and repeat again the next day.

Here comes Thursday....only let's add travel back in state because I was too tired to drive back the night before, wear the previous days clothes, rush in for a meeting that I am supposed to head up at 8:30 a.m. and a day covered up in inspections and appointments.  The previous baggage has been traded out for chains, and I begin to really drag.  The attitude is stinky and I am not a joy to be around at all.

In comes Friday, a few contracts, listing appointments, and oh yeah.... let's drive back out of state again to interview and settle another contract.   By now my dogs are barking, I am down right irritable, and just longing for some down time with nothing pulling on me.

Saturday arrives in all it's glory!  Ha... jokes on me.  Have to finish out a listing for a client so in I head.  Several showings and more later, and I finally get home in time to go to sleep.

Sunday comes and I lay in the bed even after I wake up.  I should be up getting ready for church but you know what? I don't want to.  Not one tiny bit do I want to.  I literally lay there for nearly two hours knowing I need to be up and moving but justifying as to why I don't have to.

Well, 10 rolls around and I finally decide I am dragging my sorry carcass to church.  Well, I have a lovely person in an ancient land schooner that chooses to crawl up my rear because I have the audacity to only be traveling the speed limit (another car in front of me as well) and they don't have the horse power nor enough rust on the car to pass two cars at once.

So amongst all her gesturing, bumper riding, speed up to me, etc... by time I get to church I feel as if I am carrying 1000#s of weight, am in as foul a mood as I have been in lately, and doggone it... I deserve better!!!

We walk in, find a place to sit, and I last about 2 minutes....three at tops.  Up I get and off I walk.  I go over to the chapel... I can't really describe this place as our church is a warehouse but this room is special and you can already feel the prayers of the people in the brick and mortar of this room.  I sit, I cry, I pace, I shout, I am mad mad mad and enjoying quite the pity party.  Not saying there isn't good justification for much of it...but that is quite beside the point.  I am in quite the tizzy as you might imagine.

I fuss at myself, I fuss at God, then I sit down once more and wonder "why?"  Why do I always take back the problems I hand over to Him only to find myself bound by chains I can't lift once more?

I decide enough is enough and I head back in.  One more song and down we all sit.  Lo and behold... what is being taught today?  The Way to Be a Servant.  Great, because that is just what I want to listen to; NOT.  I am listening albeit not enthusiastically.  Then out comes this statement.....

***Our actions flow out of our identity.  What we are is revealed by what we do.***

Well I'll be.  Just kick a girl when she is down why don't ya!?!  What follows below is a conversation God and I had as I promptly missed 90% of the rest of the sermon.  But ya know what?  It just doesn't matter because by time He was done speaking and I had finished LISTENING... there were no chains, I found my smile, and I was able to move on.  Please note that NOTHING in my circumstances were one iota different than when I walked in.  I, I was different.  Because I was willing to allow God to show me the ugliness in me that I didn't want to acknowledge.  Because I was willing to own it, repent of it, and LET GO OF IT.

***Our actions flow out of our identity.  What we are is revealed by what we do.  To include my actions of hopelessness!  My guilt is no less than any others but is greater!!  I have a living beautiful relationship with the living God.  How dare I allow hopelessness and sorrow to paint my face and color my behavior?  Father God forgive my rebellious heart that is so faithless to the Mighty Lion of Judah.  I am on my knees begging for Your perfect mercy and grace to lift me once more by Your endless forgiveness.  Hold me with Your mighty arms so that I can live another day for You.  So that minute by minute I decrease and You increase.  Take that which would take my life and cast it below my feet so that I once more step up into the beauty that is Your glorious presence.  May I never forget that You chose me to reveal Your glory and character to and through.  Thank you that You are quick to correct me instead of coddling me.  I praise You for the purity of Your justice and the depth of Your love.*****

Grab hands friends and let's continue to walk out our Faith with Boots On!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Praise that flows to the heart of God....

Have you ever wondered why we are to praise God?  Have you considered why God would want us to praise Him?

I have been listening to much that is being said regarding praising God and have been surprised at how little we know.  I remember believing that we sing songs because God wanted us to praise Him.  Okay, but why?  Why does God want me to praise Him?  As my mind tried to understand, (it is what we as humans do after all) I only arrived at the silliest of conclusions.

Praising God made Him feel more like God.  Wait, what?  He is completely God!  All the praises of all the earth could never make Him a bigger, greater God.

God needed our praises.  Huh?  As you can see, I amaze even myself with my audacity.  But as you know, we as a created people are rather audacious.  God does not need our praise to fulfill any part of His divine nature.

Recently I have delved into the heart of King David.  Taking each part of his life and looking for the lessons God has for me there.  After all, God himself stated "I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart."  As I studied I became amazed at how this man, chosen by God, failed so often...... Just.  Like.  Me.

Through the journey of the life of David, the Lord has taught me much.  It taught me the value of being truly humble in the depths of my heart.  I have learned that the "why" isn't nearly as important as I thought but that unwavering obedience is.

Most of all, I have learned so very much about praise.  I know that God desires praise for many reasons but have come to believe that these two are the most important.


When I am overwhelmed and cannot see, God calls me to remember and rehearse some of His many virtues.

  • All the wonders worked in the lives recorded in His word
  • All the wonders in my own life
  • The beautiful wonders in the lives of those around me and those I know
As I proclaim out loud His greatness, power, and glory, then I can see my own need in comparison.  Can you hear the words of Jeremaiah?  "Jeremaiah 32:17 you have made the heaven and earth by your great power and outstretched arms.  Nothing is too hard for you." And in that moment I find rest from my troubles. 


The most powerful thing I learned is that praise is an exercise in perspective.  1 Chronicles 29:14, David says, "But who am I?"  Authentic praise works every time. You cannot enter into such praise and remain the same. When we worship with authenticity, we end with a heart freshly humbled. 

Perspective invariably accompanies praise.  Hearts that praise often, will keep focused on the timeless power and might of God. Without an active praise life, our perspective becomes focused on self.  

So take time before you start your day to enter into authentic praise.  Raise your voice in song, lift your hands to glorify Him, and find your heart refreshed!!

Blessings my friends. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dancing in the Rain

Did you ever sit in the warmth of the morning sun and allow the tears of heartbreak to roll down your face?
To take a moment and look back over the years and have your heart wrench because you didn't love enough, weren't strong enough to take care of the precious hearts that were entrusted to your care, to realize how much more you could have given and done?  
Sometimes as I sit here, words just scream out to be heard.  Sometimes, you just have to realize that it is ok to sit amongst the pain, to be exhausted from the journey, to be heartbroken over the "could have beens and should have beens" and to long for the dream that is just beyond the reach of your fingertips.  Just on occasion you allow yourself to sit and cry with loneliness, sorrow, and longing.  
As I sit here, the very depths of my soul cry for pure love, peace, and the dream I dream of.  
I have a choice....it is mine alone.  I can choose to allow myself to stay in this place or I can choose to run to the One who is hope, who brings me love, who brushes away the bruises and tears with healing, and who never leaves me alone.  
So I will run into His arms, sit in His lap, and pour my heart into His.  And when the tears have stopped, utter love and peace will be mine in the quiet of the storm.  The Father will usher in all that my heart needs and cries for and in His presence is the warmth of a light that can never be dim. 
Words convey a gamete of feelings yet leave so much untouched/unsaid.  How I long for the day when the fetters of our humanness fall away and I can worship our Lord God in fullness.  To ascribe all glory and honor to the One who sits above the circle of the earth. 
So I bow my head and my heart in humble adoration and thankfulness for an abiding relationship that brings forgiveness and strength for a new day. To be filled with peace and love and renewed through Him.
Smiles abound as I enter another day with joy......

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lessons Learned in the Valleys to be Celebrated on the Mountaintops

This past weekend I petitioned God for a "yes."  I proceeded with the right steps, I said the right things, and I prayed the right words.

I spent time praying "God I only want to move forward if this is Your will."  I read His Word, and I tried to leave the situation with Him rather than taking it into my own hands to manipulate the response that I wanted.

A new day dawns and along with it a "no."  That is exactly NOT what I wanted.  What was asked was not bad, not a want but a need, and not extravagant.  But still a no was received.

As I sat in the early dawn hours and opened the study I have been pursuing for a few months now, the bold print of the title leapt out at me.  TURNING MOURNING INTO DANCING....  ughhhhh.....a lesson from the valley is not what I was wanting either.

Here is what I learned and where my dusty road of faith becomes a bit of a mire.  Did you notice that I "said" and "did" the right things in pursuit of the petition pursued?  Well here is the real deal.  God knows the depths of the heart that so often we don't want to utter much less acknowledge.  God knew that although my lips were uttering "Your will" my heart was a fortress of I want this!  Not I want this if this is where you are leading but flat out a three year old tantrum of I WANT THIS.

Yet as I woke, He waited patiently for me to come to Him, and for me to listen to His voice; and listen I did.  The lessons learned were not just for the current petition but for when we laid so many family members to rest back to back, for the hard times endured during my husband's deployment, and for all the valley's that have yet to lie ahead.

Prayer is worship.   And all worship is based on sacrifice.  The beginning and often times biggest sacrifice is that of self.  How dare I approach the Great I Am with my own agenda that I foolishly thought was hidden in my heart?  But there it was a yes screaming to be heard that I buried deep and refused to acknowledge.  But my merciful Father knows my heart better than any can and the yes screamed defiantly to Him drowning out the words of my prayer of bowing to His will.

So yesterday was spent, as patriarchs of old, wrestling with God, wrestling with the desires of the flesh, surrendering to His great majesty, and truly bowing my heart to all that He has planned for my life.

As I woke this morning, quite worn out from the battle, I arise to read "Worship with abandon is an intimate experience."  So I sit here, with tears streaming down my face fully bathed in the mercy and love of a Good Good Father who waits patiently for me as I pick myself up out of the mire that wasn't my place to travel, He offers me clean clothes of righteousness, and sets me back on the path to a relationship that is based on the joy that can only come from being fully in His presence.

How can we fully dance before the Lord if we haven't fully mourned before Him?  I can never fully know the experience of being clothed in His joy until I allow Him to remove my sackcloth.  During the time when our family traveled from funeral to funeral; father, mother, uncle, step-father, another uncle.  It was truly a 14 month long time of horror.   I was clothed in a mass of hurt and agony so deep that my body and mind couldn't cope.  As I sit here this morning I realize that pieces of that were still living within me.  That lack of understanding "why" had buried itself so deeply in my heart and soul that it scarred the beautiful relationship with God that can only come from utter abandon.  I was so busy taking care of all the hurt in others that I didn't deal with the deadly barbs the enemy was throwing and instead allowed them to take a place very deep where it has been left untouched all these years.

I wil never fully understand.  I will not know why.  And that is O K A Y!!  I KNOW the Father, I KNOW His heart, and I TRUST His heart to lead me.  I don't understand any more now than I did then, but I understand more about God because I was willing to wait, to study, to hear God's Word, and to appeal to Him yet again.  I don't understand death but I understand more about God which has made the loss tolerable.  God is not harsh; He is holy.  God is not selfish; He is sovereign.

Pslam 30:11-12  You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.

So I sit here this morning in the midst of a no, experiencing fullness of joy for the first time since the deaths of my family.  It has been a very long 9 years.  And I weep for the wasted time knowing that each morning God was waiting for me.  Each morning He longed to hear my voice and for me to unlock the hurt to let Him have it.

no.  No.  N O !   Never has no been such a beautiful word to me.  This morning in the midst of the no I find utter freedom.  Freedom that I have not walked in for far too long.  Freedom to be at peace, freedom to have joy, freedom to be loved fully, and freedom to fully love.

If you are in the mire or the valley, please do not keep looking down.  Rather lift your eyes, acknowledge the pain, allow others who have traveled this road to help lift you, and most of all, be willing to give it over to Father God.  He will be gentle and faithful and will protect all that you cherish.

Much love my friends....
Join hands with me and let us travel this road of faith together!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Wrapped with a bow

We like things pretty.   Things that aren't messy.  We are drawn to those things, people, places that have life all wrapped up and neat with a pretty little bow.

Because that is what is easy.....

But life isn't easy.  Life is MESSY!!  Filled with infinite mis-steps, wish I hadn'ts, make this go aways, and more.

Life can be tough and most especially in today's times where everything evil is proclaimed to be good.  Where sin is called choice and that choice is celebrated by a world filled with depravity.

Believing people begin struggling with just what makes up sin.  What is it?  Is it those things that deviate from the ten commandments?  Is it those things that do not follow what your grandparents lived out? Your parents?

Face it, it is a brand new world out there and very little of it is good!  We might think that with all that is happening today that there are no answers in God's Word, the Bible.  It is rather old after all!

Let's go straight to James 4:17 "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, it is sin."

W O W!!  Straightforward and simple.  No list of rules to follow, no to do check list, no list of sin to avoid.  It truly is as simple as that.

The Holy Spirit is alive and is whispering to each of us every single day, guiding us, letting us know what choice to make, what direction to go, what words to speak, and what actions to take.

Is it sin?  You already know what that answer is.  Even something as simple as the failure to do good is counted as sin.

Bend your knee, bow your head, and listen as the Holy Spirit gives you wisdom for the day.

Let us continue to put boots on our faith and walk this road holding God's hand.

Much love...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Justice ~ Yours, Mine, or His???

Psalm11:4-5   The Lord is in His holy temple, The Lord's throne is in heave; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.  The Lord tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who love violence His soul hates.

Justice.  There is a word we all like!  Let's be real here, when we see someone who has done wrong, don't we celebrate within our hearts when they suffer consequences?  Of course, we all like that word only when it applies to someone other than ourselves.

Over and over again we are told in the Word NIV "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord." Romans 12:9.  

Do we really leave it there?  I can think of a situation that I have been party to for several years.  In my eyes, I would tell you that I was innocent in the matter.  The recipient of malice in all its forms. My heart would cry out, "I have been wronged!"  While that may contain some truth, is it the whole truth?  Is it truth that would stand to the measurement of God's truth?

Hmmm...perhaps not.  As I sat in study and prayer this morning, the Author of truth began to speak through Psalms 11:4-5.  During this time have I kept myself pure and holy before the Lord?  Have I wronged another with malice in my words?  Have I repeated circumstances to those without knowledge to seek compassion?  Or have I left this fully with the Father for Him to work and for His glory to be shown?

Can you see me sitting with my head bowed, tears dripping in front of me, and my cheeks flamed with shame?  For that is the picture you would see right now.

I read the words below this morning as I was studying the life of David and knew instantly that God is calling me to true repentance and to stand still so that He can work and be glorified.  
     **** It is a test of the righteous person's patience and faith when he sees wicked men committing injustice.  The Lord waits momentarily to see who will remain loyal to just ways."

Powerful!  Thought provoking.  Requires deep soul searching.  Requires willingness to see God's truth.  

Truth:  I failed.  I returned malice for malice.  I did not continue to keep myself pure before God so that He would be glorified.  

Rather I got in the muck and wrestled with pigs.  What comes of that?  Every time, you both are filthy and there is no victor.

So this morning I kneel before the King, thankful that His mercies are new every morning.  I will rise after a time of repentance with the knowledge that I am forgiven.  I will seek the other party and request forgiveness there as well.  From there, well.... that becomes God's problem doesn't it?  I lay it down and refuse to pick it back up.

I hope that my stumbling on the road of Faith with Boots On will prompt you to keep yourself closely aligned with the Author of Truth so that you don't stumble and scrape your knees as I have done.

Much love my friends....  Let's join hands and continue this journey onward!