Monday, October 3, 2016

Not going to take it

Let's begin our biblically based battle plan to help us strategically respond to a personal attack of the enemy.....

R - Resist

James 4:7 Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

This is one of the best strategies to use any time you are tempted to fear, live in condemnation, discouragement,  even when lies are trying to take your heart captive.

Sometimes we just have to remember that we do not have to sit back and take the darts that are being thrown at us!  Those taunts, barbs, mind games....we do not have to accept them into our minds and hearts.

Jesus didn't accept the taunts.... He pushed back and so can we!  In Matthew 4:10 He told him to go away and in Mark 8:33 He told him to get behind him.  When we are faced with temptations we can do the same thing by standing in the authority of Christ's name.

The name of Jesus is above every name.  Let's not forget that it is His name that is holy and saves us. God's identity, character and reputation stand behind Jesus' name.  So when we are confronted it is as simple as saying "go away Satan in Jesus' name," or "Father, in Jesus' name, I ask you to rebuke Satan."

Remember, this is the name of authority and Satan must bow to it and flee!!

So when you are tempted and pushed today, do a little pushing back!  We aren't to stand there and take it!!!

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