Monday, September 19, 2016

Truth....or is it Deception?

How do you know what is truth and what is deception?  Does it take the very wise?  The very learned?  Only those with great knowledge?  It does not.

Whenever Satan speaks it is based upon his character which is that of the "father of lies."  He cleverly holds forth great pleasures and withholds the consequences. The ultimate in false advertising.

Lies are a perversion of God's truth.  Promises never delivered.

We think we are oh so strong and can resist where others fail.  We won't fall into the same trap as others.  But we do.  We tiptoe into the lie thinking we will just wade a bit.  Next thing you know, we are fully drowning as the lie has become a weight we can't free ourselves from.

Freedom is more easily found than the enemy would have us believe.  1 Peter 4:7  "Serious and disciplined in prayer".  We are not strong enough to stand against his deceptions unless we're on our knees, staying instructed in what is actually true.

The lies are not so outrageous as to be scoffed at or pushed aside so easily.  Rather, the lies are fed by the insecurities that the world dishes out daily.  He lies about God's goodness, the Bible's trustworthiness, who you really are, and what is morally right and wrong.  He uses lies to puff you up in pride or condemn you to the depths of depression.  (italics mine)

You see, God did not promise us a leisurely stroll through golden sunshine streaming down upon a field of sunflowers.
God did promise that in this world you will have troubles.  (John 16:33) God knows that darkness hates the light and when His light lives in you, you will be hated for His sake.

But take heart!!  We are also promised that we will not be tempted beyond what we can endure and that God is faithful to provide a way of escape so that we may bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

How easily I forget that!!!  I feel all alone, so beset upon, that no one could possibly know the depth of my hurt and anguish.  So silly of me.  Each of us is carrying a burden.  Each of us knows pain like a close friend.

So I have found myself vacillating between puffed up pride and the depths of depression.  A place that not only does God not desire for me but also never intended for me.  It is like an insidious little worm that makes its way into your heart to take your heart, your thoughts, and your commitment off of God and place it on self.

So forgive me Father for all the times I look at me, me, me and not keep my focus on You, the great author of Truth!

Let's join hands and get back on the path that God has called each of us to, let's lift each other when we stumble, keep our focus on the One True God, and praise Him as we walk along until we reach our home.

Much love for each of you my friends.....

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