Thursday, September 1, 2016

When You Can't See Jesus.....

Ever have someone make a statement in your presence and it haunts you for days after?  That would be a great synopsis of my week thus far.

I was in a study group listening to the leader and a statement was shared that a well known leader had said.  The words were so profound, I just sat in stunned silence. Yes, I realize the magnitude of that alone!

When you are speaking with others and a remark similar to this is made, "how do you believe in someone you can't see?" we should be able to respond "when you have seen me, you have seen Jesus."

Well I don't know about you, but those are the last words that would come out of my mouth!  You might wonder why.  It isn't because of a lack of belief, or love of my Savior, or lack of a desire to share His glories with others.  It is simply because I am fully aware that all to often it is not Jesus that comes flowing out of my mouth.

As I sat there and contemplated what it would take to be able to stand in front of another and make such a bold statement my mind immediately raced to good works, kind words, etc etc.  But do you know what God revealed to me?  It isn't those things.  It is daily humbling myself before the throne, being obedient to lay aside my will, and then to put on His robe of righteousness that is the gift He gives to all believers.

In other words, it is stopping up my ears so that I don't listen to the lies of all that I am not and instead, opening my heart and allowing all that God says I am to live and bloom in me.  The statement "if you have seen me you have seen Christ" is not a boast of any good that is in me but is instead the sharing of the profound abundance of mercy and grace that is ours through our relationship with Christ Jesus.

So as we start this day, let us all be reminded of just who we are in Christ, how He sees us, and then lets extend that grace and mercy to all those around us!

Have a great morning and be blessed my friends!

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