Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Is it Really Real?

Perception is not reality unless we choose to live as if it is......

So often we move along living in what we believe to be reality only to later discover that just perhaps it wasn't so much reality as it was our perception at the time.

You know, those pesky emotions can be so very deceiving if we are not careful.  We become tangled in a web of emotion surrounding a circumstance which is oh so large in our mind and we begin living out actions based on what we feel the reality of the situation is.

Is it really reality?  Or is it a skewed version based upon a small portion of the truth that we see?  Is it possible that we are responding more from our past experiences, hurts, perceptions?  Is it just possible that perhaps we are too close to see clearly?

I am finding, more often than not, that perception is a tricky little thing that can easily skew what is truth and have us quickly step off the path of righteousness and obedience.

So to see clearly, we must do one thing.  Open God's word and do a simple check.  Does this align with the Word of God.  If not, guess what??  You got it!

I know, I know..... I am not any more enamored with learning this lesson than you.  However, we are reminded often that true love displays true obedience.  Not just partial obedience.  Not just doing those things that are enjoyable.  But full, raw living, obedience.  You know that "love thy neighbor" stuff the Bible is so big about.  (heee heee)

So what does living in true reality look like?  It means taking a moment to put a gate on our mouths and live out the following: Lev 19:17-18 Love for God and neighbor are inseparable.  In other words, we are to love God and love people similarly to how we love God.

This means that rather than point out wrong, we love them in a manner that they can hear the truth.  We slow down the light speed at which we jump to judgement instead we choose to open ways for restoration and reconciliation.

Whew....  That might be enough for one day, one week, one month!!

So this is me, continuing my dedication to living raw and honest in front of all.  Working to show less of me and more of God in every minute of every day.  Thankful for His hand which is quick to lift me when I fall, correct me when I am wrong, and to always search out the best of me.

Have a blessed day folks...

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