Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Shifting Focus

So often it seems that I am a little behind the curve on lessons to be learned.  When I arrive at the "other" side of a difficulty, I look back and learn so much about choices, decisions, and myself.

However, this morning, God is trying to bring me a different lesson.  A lesson that I know is not easy and that will require me to step forward in the faith and knowledge that He loves me most and knows me best.  A lesson that I must learn to continue to grow in Him.  Today's lesson is about focus.

You see, it isn't all that hard to look back and see the right, gain clarity, and learn lessons.  It is our nature to do so.  We are now safely removed from the hurt, we have added "time" to calmly assess situations, and we are further from the emotion of it all.  Yet, is this the way God really intends for me to live?  Looking back?

I think not.  In fact, if I live in full honesty and revelation, I KNOW not!  God's intention is never for us to be looking over our shoulders but instead, to be looking fully into His precious face.

This morning I find myself in the midst of a few situations that are charged with volatile emotions, fraught with worry, fear banging loudly to be let in, frustration boiling ~ all which have been on going for several months now.  The longer the situations continue, the higher the demand for response.  The higher the demand for response to these stimuli ~ the more pivotal my focus becomes.

Focus…. just where is my focus during all of this?  Hmmm….  not sure I am liking what I am learning. My focus is just that MINE.  It is firmly centered on me, how I feel, how the circumstances affect me, the injustice…. me me me me.

I am getting sick of ME!!!  This morning I am listening to what Joseph shared with his brothers in Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done".  Whoa!  There is the focus shift I need!!!

God's intention!!!  What is God's intention in each of these situations?  I may not know the answer just now in this moment, but I do know this:  God intends for my focus to be on Him, His purpose, and how His purpose is to be worked out in my life, and how He can bless others through what He has given me.

I do believe that this will be my priority each and every day…..
Be encouraged my friends…… the more we are willing to listen, the more He will speak, the more we give, the more we are blessed!

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