Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Are We an Abraham?

I am walking with my Lord through the Life Journal this year…. Spending each morning in His presence reading His word, and shutting out the world for a while so that I can hear His sweet voice speaking to me.  

Today as I read Genesis 20, 21, and 22 - something struck me about dear Abraham.  He is just like many of the Christians I know and most especially he is like ME!  

Earlier this week I read in Genesis 12 of how Abraham ( then Abram ) instructed Sarah ( then Sari ) to lie and say that she was his sister in order for him to be protected.  God inflicts disease upon Pharaoh and his household and the lie is uncovered.  You read along and figure that ol' Abraham learned his lesson but alas no……

Genesis 20 finds Abraham going through this very same facade with King Abimelek only this time Abraham brings self justification into it.  Abraham states " She really is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife".  My first reaction is "Really Abraham?  You learned nothing from before?  You are going to do this again?

But wait?  Is that really so different from what I do?  I have times of great faith and I stand strong.  Then there come those times when my faith wavers and I turn to the abilities of the flesh: which, just so you know, is NEVER a good idea!

So yes, I am an Abraham….. as are so many of us.  That retrospective perception is a great thing but cannot alter anything.  We are better to keep our eyes focused on God alone and use His perspective to deal with present circumstances.

And when the road becomes unclear, boulders are scattered about, and pain seems to become a traveling companion - it is then, more than ever, that we need to turn to our God and allow Him to lift the burden from us and carry us.  You see, it isn't our burden to carry to begin with.  His will has always been and will always be to walk in relationship.  Loving us, sharing His strength, providing great peace, bountiful mercies, and an eternal joy.  

Let's strive to be less like Abraham today and focus our eyes on Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith.

Walk on my friends, head held high, gazing into the eyes of Love…….

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