Sunday, January 26, 2014

Be Still …….

Yesterday I spent cloistered most of the day intent on study.  Through out the day I would have periods of "what if" during my studies.  What if I didn't assimilate the materials?  What if I could not reproduce what I had learned? What if? What if? What if?

After all God has been faithful to teach me this week, here I sit, still questioning, still wondering, still doubting.  Makes me rather furious with myself!  At what point will walking in faith become second nature instead of such a wrestle against nature?  Quite frankly, that day cannot come soon enough!!

This morning finds me in solitude for further study once my morning devotion is completed.  And there, faithful as He always is, is my Savior ~ waiting to teach me yet again.  To show me how He would have me go.

Amazing isn't it?  So long I have wandered around, praying and discussing with everyone, God's will.  What defines God's will.  How you can determine His will.  What His will could be for my life.  Yet here it is…. morning after morning.  Waiting only for me to shut out the world, turn off my mind, close my lips, and fully open my heart.

This morning He began speaking to me in Exodus 14:14  "The Lord will fight for you; you have only to be still."

Seems to be a recurring theme of late.  Obviously I am not putting into practice His teachings.  So I will be still today.  Trusting that as I read He will plant it firmly in my mind.  That when the time comes, He will bring about recollection.  Trusting that His Holy Spirit will fill me with peace that cannot be shaken.

Filled with gratitude and overwhelmed at how faithfully He meets with me each morning, I lifted my lips in prayer…. only to have Him speak one more lesson to my heart.  Spoken so loudly and so clearly that I would not have been surprised to see God standing next to me whispering it in my ear.  I have never heard such a loud whisper.

A whisper that brought me to my knees in shame for my actions and thoughts.  A whisper that forever changed my heart.  I could feel the change beginning as He spoke.  A whisper that rocked everything I knew….   Oh the glory of that whisper!!!

Love them fully
Without condemnation for their actions

I can't comment as this verbose person is literally without words.  I am finding, that when in His presence, words are superfluous.  

So I leave you with this ~ Each reader of this humble blog is in my prayers even as the keys are pressed.  Each reader is loved beyond your imagination / comprehension to a depth that only the most Holy God can do.  Each of you are called ~ to be part of the glorious family….   

Join me today

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