Sunday, December 23, 2012

And then there is the tree root....

Simply strolling God's way...... this title was chosen with great consideration for the beautiful journey I am on with my King, my Lord, my very best friend.  Strolling is something new for me in my relationship with Christ.

I struggled as a new christian with the wobbliness you find in toddlers who have not yet learned to walk.  One day living for him and the next living for myself.  Next came the walk that is really more of a run because you lack balance.  Lacking the balance of God as King of your life, Jesus leading your heart, and being submissive to the Holy Spirit causes us to run ahead of our Lord in a rush.

I have now discovered the art of strolling.  Strolling with my hand tucked in His, my heart resting in the will of my Lord, and being content in all that He brings me too.  Ahhh... strolling is the embodiment of peace and filled with a pure joy of contentment that cannot be replicated with any "thing" produced by man.

This morning I was strolling in spite of some harried circumstances which greeted my family as we went about our morning farm chores.  Our two great Pyrenees had managed to manufacture an escape in the early hours of the morning.  Thus Sunday's normal focus of preparation for worship was forestalled by a treasure hunt to seek that which was lost and bring it back home.  We praised God when our dogs were discovered safe and free from harm in the fields of our neighbors land and scurried about to arrive at church before the completion of the Sunday School time frame.

Strolling.  Strolling requires that one have complete faith in the one leading them.  Strolling requires a focus on what lies ahead rather than what would distract you and lead you off the path along the way.

And then there is the tree root.  That circumstance.  The occurrence.  Moment unexpected, unplanned, unforeseen.

As a follower of Christ, I am committed to living out the love that He has given so freely to me.  It is the very essence of all that I am.  The mainstay of my life as I journey in this world.

And then there is the tree root.  Today I encountered a tree root.  That gnarled wooden root that blends in with the path until just the moment when you are least expecting - it reaches up and grabs your foot seeking to cause you to stumble and to fall.

This is the time.  Herein lies the test.  Will I stumble?  Will I fall?  Or will I live the love?  Keep my hand securely in His?

I encountered such a root only today.  This particular root was more cleverly concealed than all those that had gone before.  Perfectly camouflaged and emulating it's surroundings.  This root; the root that reached out and grabbed my foot today, is the most gnarly of them all thus far.

This root grabbed me through the emotions surrounding one who is dear to my heart and sought to bring about my fall through attacking the beliefs on which I have based my life's choices.

Here is where I would love to bring forth the sunshine, the rainbows, and the bluebirds.  To paint you a word picture of how the "I" that desires vanity stepped aside and shone glory on the Great I Am.

I must be honest with my Lord, myself, and with you my friends.  Sadly, today, the root did indeed cause me to stumble.  For a moment in time, I allowed hurt to rush in and emotion to rule.  Oh how foolish am I!!  How vain!  As if allowing emotion to rule could result in anything of honor or value.  In allowing emotion to rule, my behavior shouted to those around me of my immaturity when instead God's love should have been seen streaming forth.

An opportunity to live love that cannot be reclaimed.  A witness that has been lost.

Hang my head I will not.  I ran to my precious Father, placed my sorrowing heart in His hands, and in His faithfulness He brought forth His healing and peace.  I came to him bearing ugliness and He gathered me in His arms and offered me forgiveness and joy.

You see - I stumbled, but I did not forget whom held my hand nor the path that we are walking.

So here is what this country girl wants to share with you.  Learn from my stumble.  We are human and in our humaness we are weak.  There will come those times in our walk that we will stumble and perhaps even fall.

The tree root that seeks to cause us to stumble need not be the wood used to build a bridge that takes us off our path.  Rather, allow that root to strengthen your grip in the hand of the Savior.  When we are quick to tighten our grasp upon His hand, then our weakness will be used by Him to manifest His strength.

It is a simple but life changing truth that a stumble can only become a fall when we do not reach and grab hold of our foundation.

As this day draws to a close, I can be found strolling with my Lord, my hand held fast in His, continuing along the path that leads to life.

May you find yourself reaching for His hand in all  you do.

Hugs and prayers to you all.....



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