As the sun's rays begin to reach across the earth calling her to another day, the inhabitants are waking with cries of Merry Christmas. Indeed, tis the season.... Christmas day is here upon us once more, blessing everyone with the joy of the season.
I promised to meet each of you here, coffee in hand, with a gift to share with you this beautiful Christmas morning. A gift that I have been excitedly looking forward to share with you.
A gift ... one that is precious to my heart, one worthy to be shared with those I love, one that would perhaps give you a glimpse of love I have for each and every one of you.
When I look back upon the days of my life and all the gifts that have been given to me, there is one that stands out above all others. One gift that was so unselfishly shared with me one cold day in Frankfurt, Germany. Little did I know, that by accepting that one gift, my life would be forever changed.
So I invite you to join me in accepting the most wonderful gift that has ever been offered.
International Standard Version (©2012)
"For this is how God loved the world: He gave his unique Son so that everyone who believes in him might not be lost but have eternal life. John 3:16
If it were possible, I would open my heart for all of you to see. As I sit before the laptop seeking words that will convey all I long to share with you - emotions are warring for precedence within me. You see, when I think on all that a relationship with Jesus Christ has been to me, words fail. How can one begin to attempt to describe pure love? Even a bard would sorely tested to find words within the vernacular of humanity to describe that which is not human but instead is divine.
For now, I will leave you with this. It would be my great privilege and honor to share with each of you, personally, my experiences as I have walked in relationship with Jesus lo these past 42 years.
I will close this for now as I go to be with family. Today, we join together to celebrate the birth of our Savior and as we do, you will be close in my prayers and my thoughts.
I pray that the sweet presence of God fills your homes today and all the days to come.
Merry Christmas everyone....
Boots walking a country road.... Simply learning to stroll with my hand firmly held by God, discovering all that He has planned.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
And then there is the tree root....
Simply strolling God's way...... this title was chosen with great consideration for the beautiful journey I am on with my King, my Lord, my very best friend. Strolling is something new for me in my relationship with Christ.
I struggled as a new christian with the wobbliness you find in toddlers who have not yet learned to walk. One day living for him and the next living for myself. Next came the walk that is really more of a run because you lack balance. Lacking the balance of God as King of your life, Jesus leading your heart, and being submissive to the Holy Spirit causes us to run ahead of our Lord in a rush.
I have now discovered the art of strolling. Strolling with my hand tucked in His, my heart resting in the will of my Lord, and being content in all that He brings me too. Ahhh... strolling is the embodiment of peace and filled with a pure joy of contentment that cannot be replicated with any "thing" produced by man.
This morning I was strolling in spite of some harried circumstances which greeted my family as we went about our morning farm chores. Our two great Pyrenees had managed to manufacture an escape in the early hours of the morning. Thus Sunday's normal focus of preparation for worship was forestalled by a treasure hunt to seek that which was lost and bring it back home. We praised God when our dogs were discovered safe and free from harm in the fields of our neighbors land and scurried about to arrive at church before the completion of the Sunday School time frame.
Strolling. Strolling requires that one have complete faith in the one leading them. Strolling requires a focus on what lies ahead rather than what would distract you and lead you off the path along the way.
And then there is the tree root. That circumstance. The occurrence. Moment unexpected, unplanned, unforeseen.
As a follower of Christ, I am committed to living out the love that He has given so freely to me. It is the very essence of all that I am. The mainstay of my life as I journey in this world.
And then there is the tree root. Today I encountered a tree root. That gnarled wooden root that blends in with the path until just the moment when you are least expecting - it reaches up and grabs your foot seeking to cause you to stumble and to fall.
This is the time. Herein lies the test. Will I stumble? Will I fall? Or will I live the love? Keep my hand securely in His?
I encountered such a root only today. This particular root was more cleverly concealed than all those that had gone before. Perfectly camouflaged and emulating it's surroundings. This root; the root that reached out and grabbed my foot today, is the most gnarly of them all thus far.
This root grabbed me through the emotions surrounding one who is dear to my heart and sought to bring about my fall through attacking the beliefs on which I have based my life's choices.
Here is where I would love to bring forth the sunshine, the rainbows, and the bluebirds. To paint you a word picture of how the "I" that desires vanity stepped aside and shone glory on the Great I Am.
I must be honest with my Lord, myself, and with you my friends. Sadly, today, the root did indeed cause me to stumble. For a moment in time, I allowed hurt to rush in and emotion to rule. Oh how foolish am I!! How vain! As if allowing emotion to rule could result in anything of honor or value. In allowing emotion to rule, my behavior shouted to those around me of my immaturity when instead God's love should have been seen streaming forth.
An opportunity to live love that cannot be reclaimed. A witness that has been lost.
Hang my head I will not. I ran to my precious Father, placed my sorrowing heart in His hands, and in His faithfulness He brought forth His healing and peace. I came to him bearing ugliness and He gathered me in His arms and offered me forgiveness and joy.
You see - I stumbled, but I did not forget whom held my hand nor the path that we are walking.
So here is what this country girl wants to share with you. Learn from my stumble. We are human and in our humaness we are weak. There will come those times in our walk that we will stumble and perhaps even fall.
The tree root that seeks to cause us to stumble need not be the wood used to build a bridge that takes us off our path. Rather, allow that root to strengthen your grip in the hand of the Savior. When we are quick to tighten our grasp upon His hand, then our weakness will be used by Him to manifest His strength.
It is a simple but life changing truth that a stumble can only become a fall when we do not reach and grab hold of our foundation.
As this day draws to a close, I can be found strolling with my Lord, my hand held fast in His, continuing along the path that leads to life.
May you find yourself reaching for His hand in all you do.
Hugs and prayers to you all.....
I struggled as a new christian with the wobbliness you find in toddlers who have not yet learned to walk. One day living for him and the next living for myself. Next came the walk that is really more of a run because you lack balance. Lacking the balance of God as King of your life, Jesus leading your heart, and being submissive to the Holy Spirit causes us to run ahead of our Lord in a rush.
I have now discovered the art of strolling. Strolling with my hand tucked in His, my heart resting in the will of my Lord, and being content in all that He brings me too. Ahhh... strolling is the embodiment of peace and filled with a pure joy of contentment that cannot be replicated with any "thing" produced by man.
This morning I was strolling in spite of some harried circumstances which greeted my family as we went about our morning farm chores. Our two great Pyrenees had managed to manufacture an escape in the early hours of the morning. Thus Sunday's normal focus of preparation for worship was forestalled by a treasure hunt to seek that which was lost and bring it back home. We praised God when our dogs were discovered safe and free from harm in the fields of our neighbors land and scurried about to arrive at church before the completion of the Sunday School time frame.
Strolling. Strolling requires that one have complete faith in the one leading them. Strolling requires a focus on what lies ahead rather than what would distract you and lead you off the path along the way.
And then there is the tree root. That circumstance. The occurrence. Moment unexpected, unplanned, unforeseen.
As a follower of Christ, I am committed to living out the love that He has given so freely to me. It is the very essence of all that I am. The mainstay of my life as I journey in this world.
And then there is the tree root. Today I encountered a tree root. That gnarled wooden root that blends in with the path until just the moment when you are least expecting - it reaches up and grabs your foot seeking to cause you to stumble and to fall.
This is the time. Herein lies the test. Will I stumble? Will I fall? Or will I live the love? Keep my hand securely in His?
I encountered such a root only today. This particular root was more cleverly concealed than all those that had gone before. Perfectly camouflaged and emulating it's surroundings. This root; the root that reached out and grabbed my foot today, is the most gnarly of them all thus far.
This root grabbed me through the emotions surrounding one who is dear to my heart and sought to bring about my fall through attacking the beliefs on which I have based my life's choices.
Here is where I would love to bring forth the sunshine, the rainbows, and the bluebirds. To paint you a word picture of how the "I" that desires vanity stepped aside and shone glory on the Great I Am.
I must be honest with my Lord, myself, and with you my friends. Sadly, today, the root did indeed cause me to stumble. For a moment in time, I allowed hurt to rush in and emotion to rule. Oh how foolish am I!! How vain! As if allowing emotion to rule could result in anything of honor or value. In allowing emotion to rule, my behavior shouted to those around me of my immaturity when instead God's love should have been seen streaming forth.
An opportunity to live love that cannot be reclaimed. A witness that has been lost.
Hang my head I will not. I ran to my precious Father, placed my sorrowing heart in His hands, and in His faithfulness He brought forth His healing and peace. I came to him bearing ugliness and He gathered me in His arms and offered me forgiveness and joy.
You see - I stumbled, but I did not forget whom held my hand nor the path that we are walking.
So here is what this country girl wants to share with you. Learn from my stumble. We are human and in our humaness we are weak. There will come those times in our walk that we will stumble and perhaps even fall.
The tree root that seeks to cause us to stumble need not be the wood used to build a bridge that takes us off our path. Rather, allow that root to strengthen your grip in the hand of the Savior. When we are quick to tighten our grasp upon His hand, then our weakness will be used by Him to manifest His strength.
It is a simple but life changing truth that a stumble can only become a fall when we do not reach and grab hold of our foundation.
As this day draws to a close, I can be found strolling with my Lord, my hand held fast in His, continuing along the path that leads to life.
May you find yourself reaching for His hand in all you do.
Hugs and prayers to you all.....
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Tis the Season....
Ho, Ho, Ho.... Merry Christmas.... Happy Holidays....
Laughter rings out, smiles come more easily, it is indeed December once more with Christmas day right around the corner. All around people are bustling, children are laughing, and expectation just fills the air.
Tis the season.... for unadulterated joy!!
Take a moment to look a little closer, search a little deeper, care a little more. In all too many people, beneath the bubbly surface, lurking in the depths of their eyes, is very real sorrow.
For some, there is loneliness, tragedy, loss and for others there is that "something" that is missing....that emptiness that can't seemed to be filled. Indeed, tis the season.
Amongst all the holiday bustle, shopping rush, appointments, parties, and get togethers, it is all too easy to miss the sorrow that lies just below the surface.
Families that have been torn apart through divorce.....
Families that have lost a loved one....
Families that are separated by distance, jobs, and even war.....
Friends that are parted and can't get together.....
Sons that have been pulled away from their parents....
Daughters who just can't make it home.....
Husbands who cannot hold their wives close....
Wives who cannot fall asleep with their head on their husbands shoulders....
Mothers and Fathers who are fighting for the mental/physical health of their children....
People who are alone in the world with no one....
People who have no jobs, no money, no shelter, no food....
Women who are pregnant and alone....
Men who are battling addictions....
Teens that feel their world has been shattered.....
Tis the season....
As you go about your day this holiday season - pause. Pause a moment to really look and listen to the person in front of you. Share with them the warmth of your smile, the kindness of a hello, and the most wonderful gift of all.... a gift that money cannot buy. Give them the gift of your time. When you stop the activity, halt the bustle, and calm your thoughts and place all attention on them for that moment in time.
You see, time is the most precious gift we can give to anyone. It cannot be retrieved, stored, or saved for later. Time must be redeemed in the here and now.
So today, let us each be busy giving gifts of our time in all that the day brings us.
Christmas morning I will meet you here, coffee in hand, to share with you my gift for each of you this special day.
Be blessed my dear friends.... today, tomorrow, and in all the days to come.
Laughter rings out, smiles come more easily, it is indeed December once more with Christmas day right around the corner. All around people are bustling, children are laughing, and expectation just fills the air.
Tis the season.... for unadulterated joy!!
Take a moment to look a little closer, search a little deeper, care a little more. In all too many people, beneath the bubbly surface, lurking in the depths of their eyes, is very real sorrow.
For some, there is loneliness, tragedy, loss and for others there is that "something" that is missing....that emptiness that can't seemed to be filled. Indeed, tis the season.
Amongst all the holiday bustle, shopping rush, appointments, parties, and get togethers, it is all too easy to miss the sorrow that lies just below the surface.
Families that have been torn apart through divorce.....
Families that have lost a loved one....
Families that are separated by distance, jobs, and even war.....
Friends that are parted and can't get together.....
Sons that have been pulled away from their parents....
Daughters who just can't make it home.....
Husbands who cannot hold their wives close....
Wives who cannot fall asleep with their head on their husbands shoulders....
Mothers and Fathers who are fighting for the mental/physical health of their children....
People who are alone in the world with no one....
People who have no jobs, no money, no shelter, no food....
Women who are pregnant and alone....
Men who are battling addictions....
Teens that feel their world has been shattered.....
Tis the season....
As you go about your day this holiday season - pause. Pause a moment to really look and listen to the person in front of you. Share with them the warmth of your smile, the kindness of a hello, and the most wonderful gift of all.... a gift that money cannot buy. Give them the gift of your time. When you stop the activity, halt the bustle, and calm your thoughts and place all attention on them for that moment in time.
You see, time is the most precious gift we can give to anyone. It cannot be retrieved, stored, or saved for later. Time must be redeemed in the here and now.
So today, let us each be busy giving gifts of our time in all that the day brings us.
Christmas morning I will meet you here, coffee in hand, to share with you my gift for each of you this special day.
Be blessed my dear friends.... today, tomorrow, and in all the days to come.
Monday, December 17, 2012
In the beginning.....
In the beginning... it promises so much. A beginning. Hope for days and times to come. Promises yet to be fulfilled. In the beginning.
Suggestions have been brought my way that I write a book. Hmmm... what a thought. I have always loved words, loved what they could convey, and so thoroughly enjoyed spending time putting pen to paper. ( ha ha... yes so old fashioned I know )
The thought of being an author is appealing. Then there comes the whispers of the Holy Spirit in my soul..... no. This is not what I have been called to. First reaction was not so pleasant...I, of course listed all the reasons why this would be good. Dare I? Dare I value the truth over perception? Dare I value truth over selfish desire. Holy Spirit - speak to me. Reveal to me the why. As I suspected...the why was not so pleasant. I pray that the reason is not obvious to you. I pray that I have fought the ugliness and kept it at bay. The truth - the truth is that I am susceptible to pride.
Oh there are psychologists, therapists, counselors, and even psychiatrist who will say that the desire for attention / affirmation are a simple result of a traumatic childhood occurrence. Sounds plausible, may even have some truth in it. It is not, however, the greater truth. The greater truth is that within me lies a desire to applauded and to be noted for achievements. The greater truth is that this is pathetic and sad. The greatest truth of them all - is that within my relationship with God, I find the greatest fulfillment of all my desires. As a child of the one true King, I have found completeness, fathomless peace, boundless love, and most of all the assurance that I am who He designed me to be. I need nothing else. I have been so blessed to have heard His voice, "Well done thou good and faithful servant" once in my life and I am forever grateful for that confirmation.
So no book for me. Yet the calling to write continues.... and the idea of a blog has been playing on the fringes of my mind and my heart for some time now. I cannot picture myself as a blogger nor anyone really wanting to follow said blog. Yet the pull doesn't leave but becomes stronger instead. Obedient I will be and blog I will.
Where to begin? What to share? Much time has been spent on the how's, why's, and where to for's of beginning a blog. Yet I sit here this very morning, coffee in hand, with all that having been tossed aside. It is not what the Holy Spirit is calling me to share. What follows is the un-varnished, un-edited words that have been weighing heavily on my heart.
In the beginning......
December 14, 2012 rings forth as another day in the history of our nation where senseless violence rang out, taking the lives of the innocent. Today, three days later, open any form of media and you will see a plethora of call to arms. Calls for political change, calls for gun control, calls for social change - each person struggling to make sense of what has occurred and to prevent such from happening again.
For some, the increase in the reign of evil upon the earth is not surprising. Heartbreaking - most definitely. Just not a surprise. The Bible clearly tells us of what we are seeing with our own eyes.
2 Timothy 3:1-7
Godlessness in the Last Days
In the midst of all this heartbreak and sorrow; a truth has come to me that sorrows me further. So many people are banding together in support of the families of Connecticut. Kindness and love is being offered on every front.
Where was all this kindness and love 4 days ago? Where was the kindness on December 13th? Where was the love on the 13th of December?
Why is it that as a people, we are not willing to lay aside self and pour out pure love and kindness upon others until there is a tragedy? How much more the love of one who will redeem each minute of the day they are in to show another love and kindness.
Stop! Think!! If you woke this morning with a new beginning mind set. You, you alone, vowed to redeem each opportunity presented today and show love. No matter the cost. No matter the witness. No matter..... Just love.
Imagine the what if. What if today was not all about me? What if today I could love another more than myself? What if today, I actively searched for opportunities in which I could show love? What if?
God shows himself mightily in the what ifs. What if we step out in faith and grab his hand? What if we allow Jesus to reign in our hearts? What if we allow God to love through us?
That is the what if that I desire to see.
I challenge myself to a new beginning. A beginning where God's love reigns without limit.
I challenge you, Church, to a new beginning. A beginning where God's truth stands for itself and His love is given freely without expectation.
I challenge you, and you, and you, and you.....
In the beginning.....
what will it be?
Suggestions have been brought my way that I write a book. Hmmm... what a thought. I have always loved words, loved what they could convey, and so thoroughly enjoyed spending time putting pen to paper. ( ha ha... yes so old fashioned I know )
The thought of being an author is appealing. Then there comes the whispers of the Holy Spirit in my soul..... no. This is not what I have been called to. First reaction was not so pleasant...I, of course listed all the reasons why this would be good. Dare I? Dare I value the truth over perception? Dare I value truth over selfish desire. Holy Spirit - speak to me. Reveal to me the why. As I suspected...the why was not so pleasant. I pray that the reason is not obvious to you. I pray that I have fought the ugliness and kept it at bay. The truth - the truth is that I am susceptible to pride.
Oh there are psychologists, therapists, counselors, and even psychiatrist who will say that the desire for attention / affirmation are a simple result of a traumatic childhood occurrence. Sounds plausible, may even have some truth in it. It is not, however, the greater truth. The greater truth is that within me lies a desire to applauded and to be noted for achievements. The greater truth is that this is pathetic and sad. The greatest truth of them all - is that within my relationship with God, I find the greatest fulfillment of all my desires. As a child of the one true King, I have found completeness, fathomless peace, boundless love, and most of all the assurance that I am who He designed me to be. I need nothing else. I have been so blessed to have heard His voice, "Well done thou good and faithful servant" once in my life and I am forever grateful for that confirmation.
So no book for me. Yet the calling to write continues.... and the idea of a blog has been playing on the fringes of my mind and my heart for some time now. I cannot picture myself as a blogger nor anyone really wanting to follow said blog. Yet the pull doesn't leave but becomes stronger instead. Obedient I will be and blog I will.
Where to begin? What to share? Much time has been spent on the how's, why's, and where to for's of beginning a blog. Yet I sit here this very morning, coffee in hand, with all that having been tossed aside. It is not what the Holy Spirit is calling me to share. What follows is the un-varnished, un-edited words that have been weighing heavily on my heart.
In the beginning......
December 14, 2012 rings forth as another day in the history of our nation where senseless violence rang out, taking the lives of the innocent. Today, three days later, open any form of media and you will see a plethora of call to arms. Calls for political change, calls for gun control, calls for social change - each person struggling to make sense of what has occurred and to prevent such from happening again.
For some, the increase in the reign of evil upon the earth is not surprising. Heartbreaking - most definitely. Just not a surprise. The Bible clearly tells us of what we are seeing with our own eyes.
2 Timothy 3:1-7
Godlessness in the Last Days
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into the households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
In the midst of all this heartbreak and sorrow; a truth has come to me that sorrows me further. So many people are banding together in support of the families of Connecticut. Kindness and love is being offered on every front.
Where was all this kindness and love 4 days ago? Where was the kindness on December 13th? Where was the love on the 13th of December?
Why is it that as a people, we are not willing to lay aside self and pour out pure love and kindness upon others until there is a tragedy? How much more the love of one who will redeem each minute of the day they are in to show another love and kindness.
Stop! Think!! If you woke this morning with a new beginning mind set. You, you alone, vowed to redeem each opportunity presented today and show love. No matter the cost. No matter the witness. No matter..... Just love.
Imagine the what if. What if today was not all about me? What if today I could love another more than myself? What if today, I actively searched for opportunities in which I could show love? What if?
God shows himself mightily in the what ifs. What if we step out in faith and grab his hand? What if we allow Jesus to reign in our hearts? What if we allow God to love through us?
That is the what if that I desire to see.
I challenge myself to a new beginning. A beginning where God's love reigns without limit.
I challenge you, Church, to a new beginning. A beginning where God's truth stands for itself and His love is given freely without expectation.
I challenge you, and you, and you, and you.....
In the beginning.....
what will it be?
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