Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Mirror Mirror

All too often I find myself reverting to old ways of thinking.  Status quo kind of thinking.  The kind of thinking that kills growth, steals joy, and allows wounds to fester.

The stale thoughts just kind of creep in much like an old habit.  I always heard this, my family taught that, it has always been this way..... all these add up to come silently in to your thoughts, which become your actions, which become habits, which become who you are.

But is it really?   Is that really who you are?  Stand up, grab your boots, and come on a journey with me.  Let's walk the path of faith!

In 1 Samuel we find Hannah crying because she can't have children.  She is ridiculed and her days are made miserable by those around her.  In spite of her husband treating her so very well, Hannah's sorrow cannot be consoled and she even refuses to eat.  During the families journey to worship in the temple, Hannah "pours out her soul before the Lord."  The priest Eli hears her and speaks to her a promise from God. 

Here..... here is what we need to see and grab on to!!!  "She went her way and ate, her face was no longer sad."   Are you catching what is being laid down?  When I grabbed onto this early this morning, my face literally began to shine with joy that was pouring out from within.  SHE WAS NO LONGER SAD!  Her circumstances had not changed.  In fact, nothing had changed. 

She heard the promise of God and walked away filled with joy.  THIS.... this is the things that faith is made of.  She wasn't any different, her life wasn't any different, the mean people weren't any different.  She CHOSE to believe the promise and then walked forward as if the promise was already a reality!!!!

Wooooo.... I am just about to fly right out of my chair as I share this with you!  I cannot begin to describe the freedom that comes with allowing this one truth to become the center of the foundation of your faith.  Jesus is the Cornerstone, but allow this truth to become the center of the rest of the foundation of faith that we will build on.

But wait, there is more.  Mind boggling I know.  When we read in John 5 we see the story of the man at the pool of Bethesda unfold.  Ask yourself this question, "if the man had not taken the action of gathering his bed, rising up, and walking would he have been healed?"  The answer is no.  Not because Jesus isn't able but because of another stone that needs to be added to our foundation of faith.  Action MUST accompany faith.  Always.  When we choose to place our boots on, put our feet on the path, and take that first step forward, God will always meet us there and show us the way.

The reality is that it is not enough to believe, we must get off our sitting parts and hit the path of faith and place our full obedience and trust in God to lead, guide, and protect us.  Our part is to make sure each day finds us in His presence, seeking His will through the reading of His word, and allowing Him to speak into our lives.

The final stone of our foundation today is found in John 5:19-20.  Just as Jesus did nothing of Himself but only that which He had seen Father God do, so should we.  In other words, each of us are to be a mirror image of Jesus the Christ and God the Father in our thoughts, our words, and our actions.  For our actions reveal the condition of our heart.

Mirror mirror on the wall.   What do you see when you look at the mirror of your heart?  Do you see a reflection of Christ?  If not, grab a coffee and sit with Him a while and pour out your soul to Him.  He listens, He cares, He heals.  That is for all of us. 

I love ya! Let's go out and start that sure foundation and place a new stone on it each and every day!!!

See you on the path to faith!!

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