Thursday, January 9, 2020


So often in our day to day lives we find ourselves facing a battle.  Some are small, some are pretty large, then there are those that just come in wave after wave where we can no longer see daylight.

2019 has been such a year for me.  I don't want to give unnecessary credit to the battles themselves so let's just say it greatly resembled the waves forcing their way up the beach in the middle of a tsunami.  Waves which sought to drown, destroy, and take away everything.  Waves that left destruction and desolation in its place.

Daily I come to my refuge.  Some days I enter with a much better attitude than others.  That is reality.  But daily, God never fails to meet me here.

The biggest struggles through out the storms which have been raging are those my mind couldn't see around.  How do I find God in the midst of this? Fear of the unknown.  Who am I now? How will I ever fight this giant?  Will I survive?  And the biggest of all, how do I move forward in battle, laying aside hurt/betrayal while presenting myself in such a way that God gets the glory?

The first and biggest revelation was two fold.  1) I am who God says I am ~ even if I have a hard time believing it.  So I remind myself daily by repeating all the verses that tell me who I am in Christ.  2) Every single thing is a choice!  Not happening to me.  Not an emotion.  It is MY choice how I react.

I grabbed onto those revelations and held on to the life preservers that they were.  New storms kept rolling in and the questions kept swirling.  Somehow I was missing what God was trying to teach me.

Then this morning while the full moon was shining, God entered my refuge and began to speak.  My ears were opened and I could clearly hear Him calling to my heart to hear, obey, and be healed.

In 1 Samuel 17 we read the account of that which so many of us are familiar with from the days of our childhood of David & the Goliath.  What I haven't ever done, is see what is so plainly spelled out as to how we are to fight.

* 17:26 ~ Who is this that they should defy God?   This is our proper perspective to those who are in active disobedience against God as they advance towards us with a storm
* 17:32 ~ Never let fear have a foot hold in your heart or your life.
* 17:33 ~ Do not let those around you deter you from pursuing the call God has placed on you.  For they do not know the God that is within you.
* 17:34-46 ~ Do not let your heart fail at the sight of the current battle before you.
* 17:37 ~ Rest in the confidence of all the times that God has delivered you.
* 17:39-40 ~ Do not choose the weapons of man but rather the weapons of God which are a humble spirit, an obedient heart, and prayer.
* 17:45 ~ Always and only lead with the name of God for there is none that can stand against His mighty name.
* 17:47 ~ Believe the power and might of God for He fails not.  Openly confess His victory even in the middle of the storm.

How is that for a battle plan to fight all that comes against you?  I know my own heart is resting in peace this morning.

I will daily remind myself of all He has taught me this morning as I continue to move forward secure in the knowledge that my God is the great Lion of Judah, King of Kings, who is, and was, and forever shall be!!

Keep moving on your path of faith my friends.  Just place your boots firmly in His footprints and your hand in His.

Hugs to you all.....

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