Friday, July 12, 2019

Which Comes First?

Do you remember that old joke?  Which comes first the chicken or the egg?  Sparks a world of debate depending on who you are talking to.  😀

As I was studying through the book of Psalms, Proverbs, Daniel, and 1 John today, a great reminder was brought about.

All to often we get caught up in our actions and emotions.  More often than not, emotions lead the way.  Especially if we are in the midst of an especially hurtful situation.  Our emotions scream out it's version of right, our actions react based on those emotions, and you can bet that it is rarely has anything to do with God.

The reality is that faith proceeds works and feelings.  Every.  Single.  Time.  When we step forward in faith, we are humbling ourselves in obedience to God.  When we are obedient to God and we are humble, then we are able to accurately hear God.  We become teachable. 

Have you ever noticed when trying to teach a puppy, a horse, or even a child that first they must know your love?  Then they begin to hear.  Not only do they hear, they begin to understand.  Once they understand, they can obey  Once they obey their actions and emotions follow suit.

So it is with our faith.  In all things, but never so evident as when we are hurting.  So we must make a choice to lower the volume of our emotions and allow our faith to be loud.  Remember, we have all the faith we need.  Even if it is tiny as a mustard seed.

Once we tune in to our faith, God can speak because our ears are now unplugged from the turmoil and we can accurately hear His voice over the noise. 

As we put that first boot forward (hence my blog called Faith with Boots On) we will find that our path becomes illuminated so that we can see His leading.  Some times a few steps ahead, some times a day ahead, and some times we can see far ahead.  No matter what we can see, we must determine to keep putting one foot in front of another.

As we travel the path you will find that your emotions and actions begin to fall into line.  Now just to be perfectly clear, I want you to notice that no where in here do you see the words easy or without effort, etc. 

You will also notice that no where does it say, "understand, makes sense, or clarity".  It all begins with stepping out in faith.

As long as we are pursuing self and waiting on God to shine a light on a path and speak in a booming voice "go here and do this" we will continue to wallow in self which will ultimately lead to our own destruction.

When we choose to put our boots on the path of faith, which leads to obedience, which leads to our emotions coming in line, which leads to our actions coming into line, which leads to the greatest joy of all and that is a life lived in the presence of God.  Then He can rain down blessings on us so that we might share those blessings with others. 

You see, that is how all this works.  I am blessed so that I can bless you.  You are blessed so that you can bless another.  They are blessed to bless yet another.  It is living in community.  Each caring for the other the same way the Father cares for us....

So if you find yourself straying from the path, stop! make the choice (for that is all it is), and put your boots on, and take that first step forward.  You won't be alone.  You will find me there and oh so many others. 

Lastly, when we link arms and lift others, the journey is all the sweeter.

So come on folks.....  put boots on that faith and let's get walking!

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