Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Say What???

Have you ever had one of those moments when you find out that what you thought you knew, you really didn't know?

I know, I know, a little early for such a statement but I know that I am called to share my "aha" moment with you.  So you just grab your cup of coffee and join me on this little path of discovery I am on this morning. 

As the years have passed God has taught me many lessons.  Some I was smart enough to grab on to rather quickly and some I grabbed on at the last minute much like a shirt tail flapping in the breeze.  Sliding in by the seat of my britches you might say.

One constant struggle has been applying my faith to events, circumstances, happenings that are personally and wholly mine.  For example - a friend battled a life threatening health issue and together we stood on faith in prayer to see God move in her life.  My mind immediately picks up the gauntlet and runs forward into battle on her behalf.  I got you cher......
Not so long ago I was moved to Stage 5 renal failure.  The beginning of the end so to speak.  My mind immediately becomes weak and says, "but healing isn't for you."

Say what?  Surely to my goodness if I can believe for another and stand in faith with them I can believe for myself.  But sadly, tis not true.  At least not for me.  It was more along the lines of this: Don't you know how often you have failed God?  Why would God heal you?  If God did heal you you would become proud and not give Him the glory.  And on and on and on the defeating litany would ring in my ears and in my heart.  Successfully stealing the victory that Jesus won and gave to me.

Like most Southern families I was raised going to church every Sunday.  So this last time when the litany once again made its rounds through my thoughts seeking to take hold of my heart I fell back on things I had heard, and honestly probably did not even really understand, oh so many years ago.  Taking a verse and plucking it out of it's surroundings and grabbing onto the surface meaning as if it was solely truth.  One such verse is Mark 9:24 "help thou my unbelief."  I grabbed on to the surface meaning and ran with it right into untruth.  Naturally.  Can you see me rolling my eyes at myself?  Ha, you are probably rolling your own eyes at me!

Somewhere along the line I took on the belief that I needed God to give me more faith.  That I did not have enough faith.  That I wasn't as good as some of the heroes of the faith therefore God would not give me the powerful, believing faith that they had.

I tell ya, sometimes my own foolishness leaves me shaking my head.  Today God opened my eyes and showed me truth in it's fullness.  There it was, all along, shining it's many facets just waiting for me to pick it up and make it mine.  Instead, I had allowed the enemy to steal it from me.  But praise God ~ NO MORE!!

Here are a few things you should know about faith:
* It is for believers who have a relationship with Christ.  Romans 12:3 "God has given every believer the measure of faith."
* There are not different kinds of faith depending on who you are or the role you play in the body of Christ.  Some believers may have already strengthened and developed their faith over time but their faith is NO different than yours.
* Only you can build your faith.  Faith comes from one place and one place alone.  Romans 10:17 "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."

In short, do not listen to the same lies I did.  The enemy is always quick to paint an unworthy picture of us in the mirror.  He does so to keep us from stepping forward into belief, obedience, and blessings.  He will do literally anything to keep us from realizing the uniquely wonderful creature that God has created us to be.  To shackle us with lies so that we do not walk into the truth of the freedom that Jesus bought for us with His life.

I say enough, is enough, is enough. 

So this morning, lift your banner of faith high.  Let it wave lifted by the strength of Gods love and mercy.  You keep walking on your journey of faith.  When you falter, just reach out your hand and you will find me by your side to encourage you.

You got this cher......  And you know what?  So do I!

Boots on, feet in motion, flag of faith flying high....

much love to all of you....


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