Have you ever noticed that the largest battles you face in life are the battles that are within the boundaries of your own mind?
Proverbs 23:7 says..... For as he thinks in his heart, so is he....
Wow... I mean just wow!! In a world where "finding oneself" seems to be the reigning mantra, it is nice to know that we only have to look inward to know who we really are. There is a catch, however. I mean, isn't there always? Only those who are willing to be strong, willing to view the truth without any pretty filters, those, those are the ones who will discover who they really are.
All too often we have a variety of pretty facades that we put on to be appealing to others: our dog friends know us as champions of the throw aways, our church friends know us as oh so Christ like, our work friends know us as efficient, smart. and innovative. Our family, our family probably sees the truest facade of all. It is not often that we will don a facade for those we interact with all day every day. Even so, they don't know those secret places in our heart that we guard oh so diligently.
These are the places where dreams are allowed to grow without boundaries, hope soars, hurts are buried, and fears are shoved in corners. The heart, that place where thoughts roam uncensored. Where thoughts are given the freedom to just be.
The heart. Are we really willing to remove all blinders and search deeply within the areas of our heart and quietly acknowledge the reality of who we are? I urge you to do so! I urge you to move forward, don't let fear fetter your feet. Keep looking deeper and deeper. No need to dwell, simply acknowledge and keep searching out the farthest places of the heart.
Turn with trembling lips, eyes rimmed with tears of the times we fail, and fall into the arms of the One True King who loves us above all else. Rest in His arms and know that nothing you found is a surprise to Him. Nothing you are or will be will ever cause Him to love you less. Finally, let it go. Release it to the only One who can bring healing and who will bring change. Then you will find it..... that peace that can't be shaken. The joy that can't be stolen.
The journey to training your mind is a simple one. We must daily renew our minds with His Holy word. Knowing that as we read His word, it begins a work in our mind. A work to transform, heal, and renew.
You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind!!
So be encouraged my friends. We are all on this road. And those who are willing to be brave, to travel the road of truth and look deeply within their hearts, there you will find who you are. In the arms of the Savior, you will find who you are meant to be. In the pages of His word, you will find the road between the two.
Love and prayers.....
Katrina.... a fellow traveler.
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