Friday, November 15, 2013

The mountains ~ Their lesson

My husband and I were recently blessed with a week long trip to the Smokey Mountains near Cherokee North Carolina.  This was a week for reclamation, restoration, shedding those things which would drag you down and putting on Christ to exalt Him.  You see, hubby had just returned from 18 months in Afghanistan ~ not his first tour I might add.

The pressures, stresses, and fear that attach themselves to you for such an extended period of time, begin to drag you down and rob you of all the bountiful blessings that God sends your way each and every day.  For him.  For me.  It took a beautiful 26 year marriage of oneness and created two people.

Knowing that this is not what God called us to, not what we were designed for, and not what we wanted, we sought solace in the quiet of the mountains.  We removed electronic intervention and spent our days drifting with no definitive destination in mind other than to seek God and each other.

You see, when we turn off the noise of the world, you can clearly hear the voice of the Father as He calls you back to His side.  The Holy Spirit envelopes you and the work of healing begins.  There among the mountains, God's voice rang out clear and true.  His hand moved powerfully bringing peace in it's purest form, healing to hurting minds, tearing down walls of fear, removing stress, and most of all, once more strengthening that "three stranded cord which cannot be easily broken."  (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

As the days drifted into one another I began to notice something so stealth in appearance as to be easily over looked unless one is actively listening to the Spirits whisperings.

It is the lesson of the mountains…….

Each morning the sun would rise.  Each evening the sun would set.  Each morning we would miss the sunrise.  Each evening we would miss the sunset.  The reason was not that we were sleeping in or out enjoying night life.  We could not SEE the sunrise nor the sunset.

Simply a matter of logistics…. our cabin was in a valley between two mountains which delayed our ability to see the sunrise/sunset until an hour after each occurrence.

That is when God spoke to me so very clearly.  The Son is always there… the valley.  Even we choose to allow the mountains in our lives to block our view of Him, the Son is there, with us, loving us, caring for us, calling us to His side.

It is a lesson that I will cherish and carry with me always…..  the lesson of the mountains.

I pray that as you walk through this day, you take time to look past the mountains to the Son.

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