Monday, October 21, 2019

Did you hear?

Like many of you, I follow a daily bible reading plan.  This particular plan incorporates the old testament, new testament, psalms, and proverbs every single day.  Most of the time, the verses appear to be disjointed as they are taken from different books.
And just like most other folks, there are days I "cruise" through the scripture and "check" the box that the days reading is done.

Then there are days like today.  I come to my quiet spot where I prefer to study and pray.  These walls have heard years of prayers, joy, and tears spoken in them.  My heart is often poured out before God here.  And on days like today, when I come ready to LISTEN and EXPECTING to hear, that God meets me and reveals Himself to me.

These are the days when joy runs down my face in rivers and my soul cries "Glory, glory, glory!"

You see, when I come into His presence with the attitude of reverent expectation and position myself to hear, His voice can be plainly discerned.

Today the verses flowed from one book to another..... one message to another.  Words of instruction, comfort, and promise.

Today I listened......

Old Testament - Leviticus:  make yourself clean each and every morning.  This is crucial not only to our ability to listen but to be obedient through out the day.

New Testament - Mark: come by yourself to a deserted place and rest.  This is our time before we do anything else with our day that we seek solitude to be alone with God and find complete and utter rest.

Old Testament - Psalms: it is I, do not be afraid.  No matter the circumstances, no matter how alone we may feel, no matter.....  God is there.  We have no reason to be afraid.  The great I Am is always with us and will never abandon us.

Old Testament - Proverbs: set upon a rock, establishes our steps, places a song in our heart!  Oh my goodness.  When we choose to be made clean, be alone to rest, and place our faith solely in Him, then this is our future.... in ALL things.....

Just as God wove these verses and scriptures into a beautiful tapestry for me this morning, so is He weaving together the lives of those who love Him.

Did you hear His voice today?  It is not too late.....
Be encouraged beautiful ones!!  You are greatly loved!

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