Friday, February 22, 2013

Don't get up to fast....

It happens oh so fast.  One minute you are standing firm and the next you are face down in the dirt.  Quickly we jump up, glance around at who might have seen our fall, and then begin to brush ourselves off.

With the sun streaming down this beautiful morning, God has brought more light in to my life.  Light which brings knowledge.  Knowledge which brings yet another crossroad.  The choice to follow or to turn on to my own path.  Should I choose to apply this knowledge to my life, then there I will find peace, contentment, unbridled joy.

What could such a revelation have been?  Perhaps nothing that would be earth shattering for you.  Perhaps something you have already learned and known.  For me, it was just yet another revelation of Himself and how much He loves me.

Today's lesson is: do not rush to get up when I fall.  Couldn't have shocked me more.  Why on earth would I not want to immediately rush to my feet and get back on the path He is leading me on?  The answer is so simple when you think about it.

I fell.  There was and is always a cause for the fall.  Most often, the cause lies within me; sometimes deeply hidden and sometimes quite flagrant.  The reason is the great I.  No, no, no.... pay close attention.  Not the great I Am, the King Eternal - but the great I.  Or at least great to me.  I, of course, am referring to myself.  The I.  The Me.  The one who wants to have it be all about, me, me.

The simple truth is, when my eyes and my heart are focused firmly on my God, my position in Him is secure and firm and there is no stumbling and no fall.  When I place my eyes on myself, my wants, my wishes, my desires, the fall comes up faster than the speed of light.

As painful as all of this was to admit, the worse was yet to come.  There was stil the issue of the "why" of the fall.  Here is where God called me to search myself.  Instead of rushing to my feet, being concerned with any embarrassment I might have suffered, or brushing myself off in a hustle to get back on the path, I need stay.

kw:   Stay Lord?  Are you sure?  You want me to stay face down in the dirt?

OMEGA:  Stay my child.

kw:  Why would you want me to stay?  Do I need to learn humility through embarrassment?  Do I need to learn patience through suffering? Why Lord?  ( geesh calling me child was sure right on the mark on His part )

OMEGA:  Stay my child and take that moment to worship your God for protecting you during your fall.  Then come to just your knees and turn your heart and ears fully to Me.  Listen as I reveal the cause of your fall.  Take the time to repent the cause and allow Me to instruct you and grow you so that you do not fall again to such.

Silence....because there is only weeping from me.  Silence....because I am indeed such a foolish child.  Always inclined to rush.  But my Father is one of great patience who loves me fully.  With a hand full of love, He draws me to Him and comforts me.  He shows me a portion of His plans for me.  He brushes away my tears and assures me that His love will always win over my foolishness.

What an awesome and amazing God I serve.  So yes.... I will lay with my face in the dirt, thankful for the great Jehovah Jireh that always provides for me.

It is always my prayer that by sharing a bit of my heart with you my friends, that you will be touched to seek the face of God who longs to show you all the love He has for you.



  1. He does work through you have such a gift for communicating the truth. What makes it so REAL is that it is coming from your heart...real live examples of your daily struggles hit home to all of us because they are our struggles as well. Again, thank you for taking the time to inspire your friends to do better :)

  2. I am beyond honored and humbled that God is able to speak through me. Thank you for your beautiful encouraging words.
