I feel like a fraud just for typing that sentence. 🤪
You see, just as recent as last night I was drowning. Drowning in a myriad of events over the past 4 days that defies the odds. How can so much go so wrong in such a short period of time. I literally had difficulty just catching my breath so that I could breathe.
Everywhere I turned there was a wall so tall I couldn’t see over it. So wide I couldn't get around it. So black that it threatened to swallow me whole. I know you can identify a time in your life, maybe even now, that you have been in the same place.
I found myself shutting down. I just can’t ~ was my pathetic cry.
But there in that sad phrase was the key to the very freedom I was so desperate to find. I can’t. I really can’t.
But God!
But God can! But God created me for a time such as this. But God knew this would happen and He prepared me in advance. But God woke me with peace in my heart, a song of praise on my lips, and a smile that lights up my face.
But God!
You might wonder how that can be.... as I can assure you that not one circumstance has changed. But God changed me!! The key all along was not for circumstances to change but for me to change.
W O W ..... still can’t quite wrap my mind around it. But the joy bubbling inside bears witness to the truth. For there is no earthly reason for joy, yet it is over flowing in me this morning.
The truth was so simple yet so profound that I over looked it completely. God can. He always could. He never told me to have the answers, to do it all, to carry the load. Complete opposite actually. He only asks that I stand on faith strengthened by hope and move when He calls me to move. Because He can and He will if I will get out of the way and let Him.
Do not mis-understand me sweet friends. That statement is awfully easy to write and oh so hard to live out and well I know it. You see, I have been perceived as “strong” my entire life. I have carried things no child should have to carry. Walked through fires that no one would wish on their enemy. And every around me would always say “you are so strong, you will be fine.” So much so that I really would have enjoyed knocking them sideways when they said it. Reality was and is ~ I am a marshmallow who is hurt easily, loves large with not a lot of return, gives my heart freely to anyone, and who, most of all, would like the white knight to come in and carry the load so that I can rest. Just once in my life.
And that white knight has been there all along. Ready to carry the load. Ready to hold me, protect me, and to love me fully. The problem is I looked at all the wrong people, places, and things and missed the white knight.
That white knight that me, you, all of us, has been longing for is Jesus the Christ. He alone is able to meet our deepest need, love us completely with all our faults, carry us when we are to weak to stand, and to bring us a joy that circumstances cannot undo.
So stop trying to do it all, be it all, fix it all, carry it all. It is not our burden to carry. Are you listening Katrina? Are you listening my friends?
Let's grab on to who we are in Christ and allow Him to be God in our life. Allow Him to show out on our behalf. Allow Him to work it all out for the good of those who love him. Whether that is the inside good or the outside good ~ His plan is perfect in every way!
I hope someone else can learn from my being stubborn and avoid the pitfalls I have lived through.
Link arms, join hands, lift each other in prayer, and here we go..... living our absolute best life!!!
I love you so very much....
me.... a simple girl that chooses to put boots on her faith.